Friday, September 25, 2009

Things to do-Provo Library

Located on 550 N. University. Truly a gem in Provo. I will be honest in saying that the interior does not remotely compare to the beauty of the architecture, but then I attended Book Babies story time and everything has changed. Everything. I think there must be tryouts for the story time leaders, and I mean intense tryouts. These girls truly had no inhibitions and the babies loved it. During the opening, “Leo the Lion” song, Jack was completely stunned. Literally, his mouth was gaping open and his body was completely frozen. He then looked at me and with his eyes said, “Mom, you need to work on your singing and dancing abilities, you have STIFF competition.”
You will not believe the amount of activities the library offers, they are more of a recreation center. (some listed below) Also, they have movies. Remember though, if you want a chance to check out a DVD not made prior to 1973, you will have to wait outside the “Book Drop” area where most of the other Mothers wait hovering with strollers in tow ready to sideswipe the cart lady who returns the videos. There is a little secret I recently found out while attending our RS Playgroup (Fridays at 11 a.m.), there is a stash of family DVD’s in the children’s section of the library. We’re talking the classic Disney movies like, “That Darn Cat,” and “The Nine Lives of Tomasina,” and other movies starring Hailey Mills, basically, all the movies they used to play twenty years ago on Sunday nights on Wonderful World of Disney. What, you’re not even twenty years old? And you weren’t allowed to watch television on Sunday? There’s just something about gathering around the old 14” television with orange Julius drinks and popcorn.

Monday Night at the Library: different activities every week from 7:30-8:00 in the library ballroom

Spanish Story Time: for families, Friday morning from 10:30-11:00 (Story Room)

Book Babies: for babies 0-12 mos., Friday morning from 10:00-10:25 (Story Circle)

Mother Goose: for babies 13 mos.-24 mos., Friday mornings 11:00-11:20 and 11:30-11:50 (Story Circle)

Toddler Time: for 2 year olds, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:10-10:30 and 11:00-11:30 a.m. (Story Circle)

Story Time: for 3-5 year olds, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00-10:30 and 11:00-11:30 (Story Room, they say you can’t be late and parents should go and read a People magazine cause it’s preschoolers only!)

There are also book clubs for pre-teens, teens, and adults, and a whole bunch of other activities on Friday nights (movie nights), etc. but I’m done typing so here is the link:

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